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华人注意!若家中遇到洪水可这样索赔(内附)纽约全城沦陷 机场停摆

洪水、停航、拋錨!紐約街道變汹涌“河流” 華人家中被淹沒 機場停擺 周五早上,一場強烈的暴雨席捲了三州地區,整個紐約市都出現了洪水泛濫的景象,在早高峰時段,道路變成了河流,駕車者被困。 視頻顯示,在布魯克林日落公園附近,汽車在齊膝深的水中行駛,在被水淹沒的道路中央可以看到一個漩渦。     "在布魯克林許多華人的賓臣圩(Bensonhurst)社區,在18大道和60街交匯處,一輛公交車上的手機拍攝的視頻顯示,洪水湧進了車上,車上載滿了乘客,其中包括兒童,他們試圖把腳從地板上抬起來以免淋濕。 ☎️如何聯繫我們 紐約市的主要道路也沒有好到哪裡去,因為布魯克林-皇后區高速公路(Brooklyn- Queens Expressway)、Belt Parkway和展望公園高速公路(Prospect Park Expressway)都變成了河流,擠滿了部分被淹沒的汽車,陷入了一輛接一輛的交通困境。…

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Mrs. Park is an elderly retiree. Mrs. Park has a low fixed income. What could…

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Question 1 Correct Mr. Romero is 64, retiring soon, and considering enrollment in his employer-sponsored retiree…

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Mrs. Burton is a retiree with

Mrs. Burton is a retiree with substantial income. She is enrolled in an MA-PD plan…

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Mrs. Chi is age 75 and enjoys

Mrs. Chi is age 75 and enjoys a comfortable but not extremely high-income level. She…

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Mr. Sinclair has diabetes

Mr. Sinclair has diabetes and heart trouble and is generally satisfied with the care he…

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Mr. Barker enjoys a comfortable

Mr. Barker enjoys a comfortable retirement income. He recently had surgery and expected that he…

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Ms. Gibson recently lost her

Ms. Gibson recently lost her employer group health and drug coverage and now she wants…

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Mr. Wells is trying to

Mr. Wells is trying to understand the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. What…

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Mr. Greco is in excellent health

Mr. Greco is in excellent health, lives in his own home, and has a sizeable…

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