Which of the following statements are true?
Which of the following statements are true? d. All of the above
Which of the following statements are true? d. All of the above
Which plan type allows members to see preferred doctors in network, doctors out-of-network, and does not require referrals to a specialist? c. PPO plan
Which are attributes of the Aetna’s Model of Care? e. All of the above
Which of the following is true for Low Income Subsidy? d. All of the above
What is a Special Needs Plan (SNP)? e. All of the above
Aetna offers a variety of Aetna Medicare Advantage plan types. Which plan type requires a person to use only network providers? (Excluding emergency or urgently needed services) b. HMO plan
Mail order prescription drug services are not available for SilverScript PDP plans. False