When selecting a venue for your educational or marketing/sales event 2021 年 10 月 22 日2017 年 5 月 10 日 by Queenie 12,493 Views When selecting a venue for your educational or marketing/sales event, what feature is not one you need to consider? Conveniently located snack and beverage vending machines which of the following giveaways is not permitted at an educational event assume nominal retail value is met gift card to local movie theater which of the following food options may be provided at a marketing/sales even if the nominal retail value of the items when combined with other giveaways does not exceed $15 per person coffee and pastries Paul is setting up a marketing/sales event at a Community Center where he is going to discuss united healthcare Medicare Advantage plans he has placed a united healthcare logo pen $3 value clarity consumer workbook an enrollment guide at each seat what if anything is Paul done wrong pause done nothing wrong the giveaway is under the $15 nominal value and he is providing approved marketing and plan specific material Craig is conducting an informal marketing/sales event in a retail pharmacy which of the following rules does not apply Craig must not schedule personal/individual marketing appointments and obtain scope of appointments which of the guidelines listed below is not allowed when accepting an enrollment application at a marketing/sales event offer to hold an enrollment application and submit it later which of the following is a purpose of conducting event observation and oversight to ensure consumers receive accurate and compliant information from agents warren an agent is working at the United healthcare Medicare store Beth a consumer approaches Warren and ask a question about Medicare prescription drug plans what is the most appropriate thing Warren should do first complete a scope of appointment form with beth prior to discussing plans when must an agent inform the consumer of the availability of no cost interpreter services whenever the agent is presenting a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan advance are categorized by which two things type of event educational or marketing/sales and whether it is formal or informal Larry wants to hold an event that covers dual special needs plans SNP he will use the slide presentation provided by united healthcare to explain the plan benefits and will help consumers complete enrollment applications at the end what type of event does Larry need to conduct marketing/sales event formal Related posts: UHC – Whose email address may the agent enter into the LEAN enrollment application? UHC – Medicare Advantage plans for the new plan year What type of event is an agent conducting when he presents plan information that includes Which of the following does not describe a personal Sam properly reported his formal marketing/sales event and selected “Dual” as the type of product he was going to present. After presenting the Dual SNP UHC Important CSNP Consumer FYI