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Mrs. Kendrick is six months away from turning 65

Mrs. Kendrick is… Mrs. Kendrick is six months away from turning 65. She wants to know what she will have to do to enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan as soon as possible. What could you tell her? She may enroll in an MA plan beginning three months immediately before her first entitlement to … Read more

Mrs. Davenport enrolled in the ABC Medicare Advantage (MA) plan several years ago

Mrs. Davenport enrolled… Mrs. Davenport enrolled in the ABC Medicare Advantage (MA) plan several years ago. In mid-February of 2021, her doctor confirms a diagnosis of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). What options will Mrs. Davenport have regarding her MA plan during the next open enrollment season? She may remain in her ABC MA plan, enroll … Read more

You have sought permission from a hospital to place brochures for your product in their gift shop

You have sought… You have sought permission from a hospital to place brochures for your product in their gift shop and cafeteria. The hospital administration expresses some hesitation about allowing marketing in a health care facility. What should you tell them? Marketing in health care facilities is an acceptable practice, as long as it takes … Read more

如何隨時都能參加紅藍卡(共付額 配方藥 公開期 四部分)

演講題目 How Immigrants can be qualified for Medicare.(as early as 55) 新/老移民如何獲取紅藍卡資格?(最早是55) 4 Parts of Medicare A/B/C/D – 紅藍卡的A/B/C/D四部分 Medicare AEO/IEP/OEP – 紅藍卡的公開期/ 特殊公開期 ———————– – 新移民如何獲取紅藍卡資格? 如:需交10年稅 – 紅藍卡的A/B/C/D四部分 https://212-484-9888.com/medicare-a-b-c-d/ – 紅藍卡的公開期/參加期 AEP/IEP/OEP(本次主要講述OEP 1/1-3/31) 如有時間會介紹(SEP 特殊公開期) 立即對比紅藍卡報價 高達$750元的視力補助 每月$145元OTC補助 免費看診交通接送 除了長照,還有750元眼睛補助或145元每月藥房報銷。還曾經高達180元呢   1. 紅藍卡投保公開期 3月31日 https://www.medicare.gov/blog/medicare-advantage-open-enrollment-2020 2. 新冠疫情期間如何申請紅藍卡 3. 新移民如何申請紅藍卡? 例如:居住在國外的美國公民如何獲得紅藍卡的福利? a. B部分 報銷項目 … Read more