Once submitted, who can cancel an enrollment
Once submitted, who can cancel an enrollment application before the effective date? a. The client
Once submitted, who can cancel an enrollment application before the effective date? a. The client
Agent Don plans to conduct a marketing/sales event at the local public library on October 28 at 2pm. He received permission to post an advertisement on the library bulletin board starting October 14. What is the latest date Don could submit a NEW Event Request Form to UnitedHealthcare in order to comply with UnitedHealthcare’s event … Read more
You can receive commission for any sale that results from an unreported marketing/sales event. Select one: False
Failure to respond within the required timeframe to Aetna or CMS requests for information may result in suspension or termination of an agent, broker or producer’s ability to market, sell and receive commissions. Select one: True
There are three ways to verify your ready-to-sell status. Select one: True
You must direct all requests to cancel, withdraw, or terminate enrollment applications to the same location where the application was originally submitted or call the Member Services number on the member ID card. Select one: True
Following enrollment, the client will hear from us within approximately 14 days of his/her acceptance into the plan. Select one: True