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Phiona works in the IT Department of BestCare Health Plan

Phiona works in… Phiona works in the IT Department of BestCare Health Plan. Phiona is placed in charge of BestCare’s efforts to facilitate electronic enrollment in its Medicare Advantage plans. In setting up the enrollment site, which of the following must Phiona consider? I. If a legal representative is completing an electronic enrollment request, he … Read more

You are meeting with Ms. Berlin and she has completed an enrollment form for a MA-PD plan you represent

You are meeting with… You are meeting with Ms. Berlin and she has completed an enrollment form for a MA-PD plan you represent. You notice that her handwriting is illegible and as a result, the spelling of her street looks incorrect. She asks you to fill in the corrected street name. What should you do? … Read more


第一保健OTC卡可用來購買蔬菜水果 作為第一保健最頂尖的代理人,我們為客戶提供以下好消息! 您是否知道 Healthfirst Life Improvement Plan (HMO D-SNP) 會員可以使用他們的非處方 (OTC)/健康食品津貼(每月最高 145 美元)在 GrowNYC 網絡的農貿市場購買新鮮水果和蔬菜? GrowNYC 是一個由 Greenmarkets、Farmstands 和 Fresh Food Box 站點組成的網絡,其使命是確保所有紐約人都能獲得新鮮健康的當地食物。 GrowNYC 提供靠近我們大多數生活改善計劃成員的地點! 以下地圖中顯示的是郵編11354附近的購物點: 這些會員可以通過三個簡單的步驟在 GrowNYC 網絡中的地點使用他們的 OTC/健康食品卡: 通過致電 Card Services 激活他們的 OTC 卡 1-888-682-2400(每週 7 天,每天 24 小時),或訪問 otcnetwork.com/member 訪問grownyc.org/greenmarket/ourmarkets,查找附近的GrowNYC 食品零售網站 前往 GrowNYC 網站的辦公點,了解如何在那裡使用他們的 OTC 卡。根據地點的不同,會員可以刷他們的 OTC 卡或獲得“Healthfirst-GrowNYC Greenmarket Bucks”,可以兌換新鮮水果和蔬菜。 如果您有任何問題或疑慮,請聯繫您的專屬經紀商客戶經理,或致電經紀商服務團隊: 1-855-456-3668,週一至週五,上午 … Read more

You are visiting with Mr. Tully and his daughter at her request

You are visiting with… You are visiting with Mr. Tully and his daughter at her request. He has advanced Alzheimer’s and is incapable of understanding the implications of choosing a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan. Can his daughter fill out the enrollment form and sign it for him? Mr. Tully’s daughter can do so … Read more