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Mr. Alonso receives some help paying

Mr. Alonso receives some help paying for his two generic prescription drugs from his employer’s retiree coverage, but he wants to compare it to a Part D prescription drug plan. He asks you what costs he would generally expect to encounter when enrolling into a standard Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. What should you … Read more

Mrs. Quinn recently turned 66

Mrs. Quinn recently turned 66 and decided after many years of work to retire and begin receiving Social Security benefits. Shortly thereafter Mrs. Quinn received a letter informing her that she had been automatically enrolled in Medicare Part B. She wants to understand what this means. What should you tell Mrs. Quinn? a. Part B … Read more

Mrs. Geisler’s neighbor

Mrs. Geisler’s neighbor told her she should look at her Part D options during the annual Medicare enrollment period because the features of Part D might have changed. Mrs. Geisler can’t remember what Part D is so she called you to ask what her neighbor was talking about. What could you tell her? a. Part … Read more


要在您的社會安全帳戶上更改您的住址,請按照以下步驟操作: 前往社會安全局(SSA)網站:www.ssa.gov。 點擊位於頁面右上角的「登入」按鈕。 輸入您的用戶名和密碼,登入您的「我的社會安全」帳戶。如果您還沒有帳戶,則需要創建一個。 登入後,點擊位於頁面頂部的「我的個人資料」選項卡。 在「我的個人資料」部分下,點擊「更新聯繫信息」鏈接。 您將被引導至一個頁面,在那裡您可以更新您的郵寄地址、電話號碼和電子郵件地址。 要更改您的住址,請點擊「地址」選項卡。 在提供的字段中輸入您的新街道地址、城市、州和郵編。 點擊「更新地址」按鈕以保存更改。 您將收到一條確認消息,告知您的地址已成功更新。 如果您由於任何原因無法在線更改地址,可以: 致電 SSA,電話號碼為 1-800-772-1213(TTY 1-800-325-0778),週一至週五,上午 7 點至晚上 7 點。 訪問您當地的社會安全辦事處。要查找離您最近的辦事處,請使用 SSA 的辦事處定位器:https://secure.ssa.gov/ICON/main.jsp。 請記住要將您的地址更新到其他相關機構和機構,例如國稅局、您的銀行和您的雇主,以確保您收到所有重要的信件。

2024 紐約州安保(Emblem)紅藍/白卡最新計劃詳情

2024 安保(Emblem)紅藍/白卡最新計劃詳情 在2024年安保紅藍白卡,最吸引人的福利是有無上限的牙科覆蓋。 2024 無上限的牙科在紐約有兩家保險公司, – 第一保健 (HealthFirst),只覆蓋大紐約市(Downstate)地區。 – 安保 (Emblem),可覆蓋整個紐約州。 2024年安保最高的醫療補助, 無上限的牙科: 0月費的足部護理 每三年高達$550元的眼鏡 每三年高達$300的助聽器 每兩年高達$550 十次針灸 每月$147元的OTC藥卡 安保紅藍卡2022年保險福利 點擊此處查看安保2022年紅藍卡保險福利 我們重點推薦安保是因為他們有: 無上限的牙科 或高達每個月$147的OTC藥卡 「點看」紐約紅藍卡 社安局福利 表格,指引和相關資訊 (2022) 2022 安保計劃相關表格和有用鏈接 2022 H3330 Plan Ratings 2022 H5991 Plan Ratings LIS Premium Sheet Scope of Appointment Non-Discrimination Notice Download PDF 2022 DSNP Plan Eligibility Download PDF Over The … Read more