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告別醫療費用擔憂!2024紐約州擴大【免費醫保】資格,超值福利來了 Essential Plan基本計劃:紐約州擴大免費醫療保險資格 紐約州最新福利的簡短資訊文章,內容涵蓋更多紐約州居民現在有機會獲得免費醫療保險: 紐約州擴大免費醫療保險資格 紐約州政府最新宣布,將擴大免費醫療保險的資格條件,使更多州內居民能夠獲得全民健保(Medicaid)的覆蓋。此項政策調整主要內容如下: 提高收入標準:申請全民健保的收入上限現已提高,單身人士年收入可達 $37,650 美元,5口之家年收入可達 $91,450 美元。 取消資產限制:申請全民健保不再設有資產上限,意味著擁有房產、汽車或銀行存款不會影響資格。 簡化申請流程:州政府優化了全民健保的申請流程,申請人可透過網路、電話或親自前往社會服務部門辦理。 擴大宣傳efforts:州政府將加強宣傳力度,確保更多符合資格的居民瞭解並申請此項福利。 這是直接註冊的連結: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSMkaj3uU6SpR2w352Vr2OERnz5IkXzrhccK_19SEApOoVpg/viewform 更多相關資訊: https://www.epochtimes.com/gb/24/3/5/n14195083.htm https://info.nystateofhealth.ny.gov/EssentialPlan 這項政策扩展预计将惠及近50万尚未投保的纽约州居民,為他们提供免费且优质的医疗保障。如果您或您认识的人符合资格,請立即申請,以充分利用這項福利。

紅藍白卡💳OTC卡 vs 紐約SNAP🧓🏼老人糧食券

紅藍卡OTC卡跟糧食劵是一樣的嗎? 紅藍白卡/紅藍卡OTC卡和糧食劵不是完全相同的福利计划,它们有一些区别。 紅藍白卡/紅藍卡OTC卡是由美国联邦医疗保险计划提供的一种额外福利,旨在帮助符合条件的个人购买非处方药和健康用品。符合条件的个人可以使用OTC卡购买许多种类的健康产品,如绷带、血压计、胃药等。 糧食劵计划是由美国政府提供的一种福利,旨在帮助低收入家庭和个人购买食品。符合条件的家庭和个人可以使用糧食劵购买许多种类的食品,如水果、蔬菜、肉类、奶制品、饮料、糖果和零食等。然而,糧食劵不能用于购买香烟、酒类、非食品类产品以及热带水果和蔬菜等限制品种。 https://redbluecard.com/otc/ 紐約州双重资格受益人 (Dual Eligible) 的非处方药 (OTC) 福利概述 在纽约州,如果您同時符合 Medicare 和 Medicaid 资格,即为「双重资格受益人」,您可能会获得 Medicare 保险公司提供的非处方药 (OTC) 福利。这些福利涵盖范围和具体细节可能因承保公司和您的具体计划而异。这里提供一个概述,帮助您了解一般情况: 常見的 OTC 福利类型: 止痛药 (如布洛芬、对乙酰氨基酚) 过敏药物 (如抗组胺药) 消化不良药物 (如胃酸中和剂) 感冒药 (如减充血剂、止咳药) 维生素和矿物质 (取决于计划) 一些个人护理用品 (如牙膏、绷带) 获取 OTC 福利的方式: 预付卡 (Spendables Card): 某些计划使用预付卡,您可以在指定零售商或网上商店购买符合条件的 OTC 产品。卡内预充值一定金额,每次消费会扣除相应金额。 直接报销: 部分计划允许您购买符合条件的 OTC 产品,之后提交收据申请报销。 店内折扣: 一些计划与零售商合作提供店内折扣,直接在购买时降低价格。 重要注意事项: 并非所有 Medicare 计划都提供 OTC 福利。 请仔细阅读您的计划手册或致电承保公司了解具体内容。 OTC 福利通常有每年限额,超出限额后您需要自付费用。 … Read more


Mrs. Park is an elderly retiree. Mrs. Park has a low fixed income. What could you tell Mrs. Park that might be of assistance? Question 1Select one: a. She should contact her state Medicaid agency to see if she qualifies for one of several programs that can help with Medicare costs for which she is … Read more


Question 1 Correct Mr. Romero is 64, retiring soon, and considering enrollment in his employer-sponsored retiree group health plan that includes drug coverage with nominal copays. He heard about a neighbor’s MA-PD plan that you represent and because he takes numerous prescription drugs, he is considering signing up for it. What should you tell him? Question … Read more

Mrs. Burton is a retiree with

Mrs. Burton is a retiree with substantial income. She is enrolled in an MA-PD plan and was disappointed with the service she received from her primary care physician because she was told she would have to wait five weeks to get an appointment when she was feeling ill. She called you to ask what she … Read more

Mrs. Chi is age 75 and enjoys

Mrs. Chi is age 75 and enjoys a comfortable but not extremely high-income level. She wishes to enroll in a MA MSA plan that she heard about from her neighbor. She also wants to have prescription drug coverage since her doctor recently prescribed several expensive medications. Currently, she is enrolled in Original Medicare and a … Read more

Mr. Sinclair has diabetes

Mr. Sinclair has diabetes and heart trouble and is generally satisfied with the care he has received under Original Medicare, but he would like to know more about Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (SNPs). What could you tell him? Question 13Select one: a. SNPs offer care from any doctor or hospital Mr. Sinclair would like … Read more