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Mrs. Quinn has just turned 65, is in excellent health and has a relatively high income. She uses no medications

Mrs. Quinn has… Mrs. Quinn has just turned 65, is in excellent health and has a relatively high income. She uses no medications and sees no reason to spend money on a Medicare prescription drug plan if she does not need the coverage. She currently does not have creditable coverage. What could you tell her … Read more

What types of tools can Medicare Part D prescription drug plans use that affect the way their enrollees

What types of… What types of tools can Medicare Part D prescription drug plans use that affect the way their enrollees can access medications? Part D plans do not have to cover all medications. As a result, their formularies, or lists of covered drugs, will vary from plan to plan. In addition, they can use … Read more

Mrs. Lopez is enrolled in a cost plan for her Medicare benefits. She has recently lost creditable

Mrs. Lopez is… Mrs. Lopez is enrolled in a cost plan for her Medicare benefits. She has recently lost creditable coverage previously available through her husband’s employer. She is interested in enrolling in a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan (PDP). What should you tell her? If a Part D benefit is offered through her … Read more