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Mary Samuels recently suffered a stroke while visiting her daughter and grandchildren

Mary Samuels recently… Mary Samuels recently suffered a stroke while visiting her daughter and grandchildren. As a result, Mary has been admitted to a rehabilitation hospital where she is expected to reside for several months. The rehabilitation hospital is located outside the geographic area served by her current Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. What options are … Read more

長者的心聲 👵🏻請善待你的🧓🏻父母💞因他們待妳如珠如寶!

老人家的心聲!請善待你的父母!因他們待妳如珠如寶! 告別了鄰居,我走了。 我朋友有上台大和清華的兩兒子, 我朋友還是進了養老院! 這是目前裏熱傳的一篇文章, 也是在網上引起衆多反省的文字。 作者是一位退休作家, 即將去養老院時發出的感慨。 我要去養老院了,非不得已, 我是不會去養老院的。 但是當生活開始不再能完全自理, 而兒女又工作忙碌還要照顧孫子, 無暇顧及你時,這似乎成了我唯一的出路。 「點看」老人醫療保險 養老院條件不錯,乾淨的單人房間, 配有簡單實用的電器; 各種娛樂設施齊全; 飯菜還算可口;服務也很周到; 環境也很優美;就是價格不菲。 我的退休金肯定無以支撐。 但是我有自己的住房, 將它賣掉,錢就不是問題了。 我養老花不了, 不久的將來剩下的就作爲遺產,留給兒子。 兒子很理解:你的財產應該您享用,不要考慮我們。 剩下的就是我要考慮做去養老院的準備了。 俗話說:破家值萬貫,指的是東西多。 過日子針頭線腦什麼也少不了, 箱子、櫃子、抽屜都裝滿了各種日常用品: 四季的衣服,四季的牀上用品,堆積如山。 我喜歡收藏,郵票集了一大堆; 紫砂壺也集了百十來把; 還有許多珍藏的小件物品, 什麼翠、核桃等小把件、 掛件,還有二條小黃魚。 特別是書,整個一面牆的書櫃,裝得滿滿的。 好酒什麼洋酒,也存了幾十瓶; 還有全套的家用電器; 做飯的各種器具, 鍋碗瓢盆,柴米油鹽、各種調料, 再把個廚房也塞的滿滿的; 還有積攢的幾十本像冊…, 看着滿滿的一屋子東西,我發愁了! 養老院只有一間屋子, 一個櫃子,一張桌子, 一張牀,一個沙發, 一個冰箱、一個洗衣機, 一臺電視機,一個電磁爐, 一個微波爐。 根本沒有存放我這些平生積攢的財富的地方。 在這一瞬間我忽然覺得, 我的這些所謂財富都是多餘的, 它們並不屬於我! 我只不過是看一看、玩一玩, 用一用,它們實際上只屬於這個世界。 … Read more

Mrs. Disraeli is enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B)

Mrs. Disraeli is… Mrs. Disraeli is enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B) and a standalone Part D prescription drug plan. She has recently developed diabetes and has suffered from heart disease for several years. She has also recently learned that her area is served by a SNP for individuals suffering from such a … Read more

Which of the following does not describe a personal

Which of the following does not describe a personal/individual marketing appointment?   agent Santana has developed a relationship with doctor Westberry a primary care physician contracted with several Medicare Advantage plans doctor Westbury is asked to attend a formal marketing/sales event conducted by agent Santana which of doctor Westberry’s actions is non compliant offers blood … Read more