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Plans sold before an agent has completed the necessary licensing

Plans sold before an agent has completed the necessary licensing, appointment and certification will not…

  • 補助計劃

Beneficiaries do not need to pay their monthly Medicare Part B

Beneficiaries do not need to pay their monthly Medicare Part B premium if they pay…

  • 補助計劃

Enrollment into a Medicare Supplement plan will not cause

Enrollment into a Medicare Supplement plan will not cause an automatic disenrollment from a Medicare Advantage Plan.…

  • 補助計劃

Different formulary tiers require different copayments

Different formulary tiers require different copayments or may be subject to deductible or even coinsurance. …

  • 補助計劃

Which of these statements is/are true about the Medicare

Which of these statements is/are true about the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of…

  • 補助計劃

What do we require for you to be considered

What do we require for you to be considered qualified or “ready to sell?” d. All…

  • 補助計劃

At a Sales event, you may not require beneficiaries

At a Sales event, you may not require beneficiaries to provide any contact information (beneficiaries…

  • 補助計劃

Sales event cancellations and modifications

Sales event cancellations and modifications must be reported to our plan immediately. Select one: True

  • 補助計劃

At a Sales event, you may provide and

At a Sales event, you may provide and/or subsidize meals to attendees. False

  • 補助計劃

Notify beneficiaries of cancellations or modifications

Notify beneficiaries of cancellations or modifications by the same means used to advertise the event.…

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