
  • 補助計劃

which of the following individuals is permitted to present a short introductory presentation

which of the... which of the following individuals is permitted to present a short introductory…

  • 補助計劃

Your friend’s mother just moved to an assisted living facility and he asked if you could present a program for the residents about the MA-PA plans you market.

Your friend's mother... Your friend's mother just moved to an assisted living facility and he…

  • 補助計劃

Which of these actions is most likely to be permitted in dealing with a person with limited English proficiency?

Which of these... Which of these actions is most likely to be permitted in dealing…

  • 補助計劃

Mrs. Pierce would like to enroll in a Medicare Cost plan that offers Part D prescription drug coverage

Mrs. Pierce would... Mrs. Pierce would like to enroll in a Medicare Cost plan that…

  • 補助計劃

You have set up an appointment for an in-home sales presentation with Mrs. Fowler

You have set up... You have set up an appointment for an in-home sales presentation…

  • 補助計劃

Anita Magri will turn age 65 in August 2020. Anita intends to enroll in Original Medicare Part A and Part B

Anita Magri will... Anita Magri will turn age 65 in August 2020. Anita intends to…

  • 補助計劃

Under HIPAA, a covered entity (CE) is defined as:

Under HIPAA, a... Under HIPAA, a covered entity (CE) is defined as: All of the…

  • 補助計劃

Which of the following is not required when conducting a marketing/sales event

which of the... which of the following is not required when conducting a marketing/sales event…

  • 補助計劃

Under ACA Section 1557, a health plan

Under ACA Section... Under ACA Section 1557, a health plan cannot deny coverage to LEP…

  • 紅藍白卡

美國白卡 vs 紐約白卡

什麼是“美國白卡” 很多客人一來就問我們怎麼申請“美國白卡”? 其實,是沒有“美國白卡”這個計劃的,白卡都是針對州的,比如紐約州的白卡,叫做“紐約白卡”,加州的白卡,叫做“加州白卡”。 所以這個重點必須要在一開始跟大家解釋清楚!各州的白卡計劃都是由各州自己執行,相對來說,紐約和加州的白卡是較為容易申請的,因為這兩個州的福利較好,尤其是針對移民,所以也是新移民的首選地區。 “白卡”是美国联邦和州政府共同拨款的联合医疗补助计划,为低收入人群提供免费或低成本的医疗保险. 孕妇、儿童、老年人、残疾人都可能符合资格,不少州甚至放宽了资格限制,不论身份只要在收入标准以下就能申请。 白卡可以當做主要醫療保險來使用,如果白卡受益人同時擁有其他醫療保險,白卡則會作為次要醫療保險補充,支付其他醫療保險沒有報銷的部分費用,比如dedutible、copay、coinsurance等。 白卡是一個由州政府提供的醫療補助計劃 每个州都可以自行制定具体的医疗补助标准,可能也会有特别的名字。 比如紐約州叫Medicaid,加州白卡叫Medi-Cal,俄勒冈州白卡叫OHP。 什麼是紐約白卡? “紐約白卡”叫Medicaid in New York…

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