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許多人都期待著有一天能利用紅藍卡醫療保險(Medicare),這是為65歲或以上的人設計的聯邦健康保險計劃。雖然這個計劃確實有好處,但許多人並不知道他們可能正在驚人地失去醫療保險金。以下是你可能正在這樣做的五種難以置信的方式。 1.忽視紅藍卡預防性護理 許多人並不知道紅藍卡醫療保險提供了大量的預防性服務,這些服務通常對受益人來說是免費的。這些包括心臟病、糖尿病、某些類型的癌症和骨質疏鬆症等疾病的篩查,此外,免費的年度健康檢查和流感疫苗也包括在內。 忽視這些免費的預防性健康服務可能會讓你在長運中花費更多的錢。通過篩查早期發現嚴重的病情可以節省你未來的醫療費用,更不用說與晚期疾病鬥爭的人力成本了。確保利用這些服務來保護你的健康和錢包。 2.在紅藍卡公開註冊期間不審查計劃選項 醫療保險的公開註冊期間是每年10月15日至12月7日,這是大多數人可以更改他們的醫療保險覆蓋的唯一時間。這是重新評估你當前計劃並探索可能節省你錢的其他選項的絕佳機會。 許多受益人在沒有考慮是否仍然是他們需要的最佳選擇的情況下,自動續訂他們現有的計劃。健康和藥物需求在變化,所以你的醫療保險覆蓋應該也要如此。確保比較自付費用,而不僅僅是保費,以避免在需要護理時被高昂的費用嚇到。 百善孝為先,孝順父母🧓就是一個人最大的善行。 3.在不考慮差異的情況下選擇原始紅藍卡醫療保險而不是紅藍卡優勢計劃(C部分) 這對許多人來說是一個驚人的事實:原始紅藍卡醫療保險(A和B部分)並不包括所有事物。它讓你支付一些被許多人認為是必需的服務和用品的費用。例如,它通常不包括處方藥物、牙科護理、眼科檢查、眼鏡或助聽器。 這裡有節省的可能性。紅藍卡醫療保險優勢計劃(C部分),由醫療保險批准的私人保險公司提供,通常包括對這些額外服務的覆蓋。有些甚至提供健身計劃和健康福利。雖然它們可能有更高的月保費,但額外的福利和較低的自付最高額可能會在一年內節省你很多錢,特別是如果你有特定的健康護理需求。 4.不上訴紅藍卡醫療保險的決定 如果紅藍卡醫療保險拒絕覆蓋你認為應該被覆蓋的服務或程序,不要只是接受。你有權上訴決定,每年有許多受益人成功推翻了初步的否決。 不幸的是,許多醫療保險受益人並不知道他們可以這樣做,或者覺得這個過程讓他們感到不知所措。但是,如果不上訴,可能會讓你負責應由醫療保險覆蓋的昂貴醫療費用。 5.支付你不需要的紅藍卡醫療補充保險費用 紅藍卡醫療補充保險政策旨在支付原始醫療保險不覆蓋的費用,如自付額、共付費用和如果你在美國以外旅行的醫療護理。然而,並非每個人都需要醫療補充保險政策。 如果你有紅藍卡保險優勢計劃,則有人向你出售紅藍卡補充保險政策是非法的。如果你確實有原始醫療保

Juan Hernandez is

Juan Hernandez is turning 65 next month, Juan legally entered the United States over twenty years ago but is not a citizen. Since his entry into the country, Juan has worked at Smallcap Incorporated and contributed to the Medicare system. Juan suffers from diabetes. He will soon retire and asks you if he can enroll … Read more

Mrs. Lyons is

Mrs. Lyons is in good health, uses a single prescription, and lives independently in her own home. She is attracted by the idea of maintaining control over a Medical Savings Account (MSA) but is not sure if the plan associated with the account will fit her needs. What specific piece of information about a Medicare … Read more

Mrs. Chen will

Mrs. Chen will be 65 soon, has been a citizen for twelve years, has been employed full time, and paid taxes during that entire period. She is concerned that she will not qualify for coverage under part A because she was not born in the United States. What should you tell her? a. Most individuals … Read more

Edward IP suffered

Edward IP suffered from serious kidney disease. As a result. Edward became eligible for Medicare coverage due to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). A close relative donated their kidney and Edward successfully underwent transplant surgery 12 months ago. Edward is now age 50 and asks you if his Medicare coverage will continue, what should you say? … Read more

Mr. Moy’s wife

Mr. Moy’s wife has a Medicare Advantage plan, but he wants to understand what coverage Medicare Supplemental Insurance provides since his health care needs are different from his wife’s needs. What could you tell Mr. Moy? a. Medicare Supplemental Insurance would help cover his Part A and Part B deductibles or coinsurance in Original Fee-for-Service … Read more

Mrs. Peňa is

Mrs. Peňa is 66 years old, has coverage under an employer plan, and will retire next year. She heard she must enroll in Part B at the beginning of the year to ensure no gap in coverage. What can you tell her? a. She may only enroll in Part B during the general enrollment period … Read more