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Mrs. Valentino is currently enrolled in a Medicare Cost plan

Mrs. Valentino is… Mrs. Valentino is currently enrolled in a Medicare Cost plan. This plan is no longer meeting her needs, but it is now mid-year and past the annual election period (AEP). What would you say to Mrs. Valentino regarding her options? Mrs. Valentino can submit a written request to Medicare to be disenrolled … Read more



紐約市擁有許多備受歡迎的老人公寓 重要提醒:我們是保險經紀人,並非慈善機構,我們在處理業務,找資訊或者翻譯方面的工作也是很耗時間的。 而我們沒有做申請老人屋這一方面的業務,我們只是把找到的資訊分享給大家。 而紅藍卡的申請,政府是會給我們佣金的,所以紅藍卡的20%我們是可以幫忙申請的。 Click Here For English Version 點擊此處閱讀英文版 事實上,許多人都想了解更多有關於老人公寓的問題,如哪種老人公寓適合自己?怎麼申請老人公寓?申請老人公寓的條件等。 如果您需要申請紐約市的老人公寓,但卻不知道從何開始,請仔細閱讀本文。下面,我們將為您提供有關申請紐約市老人公寓所需了解的所有資訊。我們將詳細介紹每一個細節,以便能夠讓你盡快開始著手準備。 「點擊獲取」紅藍卡保險報價 紐約市老人屋申請方式/途徑 如需找人幫忙申請老人屋,可以嘗試聯繫以下機構: 華人進步會 230 Grand Street – Suite 504, New York, NY 10013 212-274-1891 [email protected] 美國紐約亞裔聯盟 136-82 39TH AVE 5FL, Flushing, NY 11354 [email protected] 華策會 150 Elizabeth St. New York, NY 10012 212-941-0920 [email protected] 布碌侖華人協會 5000 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11220 (718) … Read more

Mrs. Roswell is a new Medicare beneficiary who has just retired from retail work. She is interested

Mrs. Roswell is… Mrs. Roswell is a new Medicare beneficiary who has just retired from retail work. She is interested in selecting a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan. She takes a number of medications and is concerned that she has not been able to identify a plan that covers all of her medications. She … Read more

Mr. Shapiro gets by on a very small fixed income

Mr. Shapiro gets….. Mr. Shapiro gets by on a very small fixed income. He has heard there may be extra help paying for Part D prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries with limited income. He wants to know whether he might qualify. What should you tell him? The extra help is available to beneficiaries whose income … Read more

Mrs. Fiore was in the Army for 35 years and is now retired

Mrs. Fiore was…. Mrs. Fiore was in the Army for 35 years and is now retired. She has drug coverage through the VA. What issues might she consider with regard to whether to enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan? She could compare the coverage to see if the Medicare Part D plan offers better … Read more