Wellcare has added 327 counties 2021 年 10 月 18 日2021 年 9 月 20 日 by Jeremy Lai 7,081 Views all of the above Steps to take when safeguarding and securing PHI and PII include: 327 Wellcare has added ____ new counties to our footprint in 2022 Library Card Which of the following is not an example of Protected Health Information (PHI) five All standalone PDP formularies have a ____ -tier structure for 2022 True To ensure accurate data entry, you should repeat the Medicare ID back to the beneficiary. Written, Electronic, Verbal Communication of PHI can be: All of the above (Member satisfaction/Experience, Complaints, Rapid Disenrollment) Key areas you as a Sales Agent/Broker have control over and impact upon regarding Star (quality) ratings are: True All Wellcare standalone PDP plans will have a $0 Tier 1 preferred retail and mail benefit. True Wellcare has expanded coverage in Massachusetts, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. True Wellcare offers a wide variety of Medicare products consolidated under a new Wellcare brand. Related posts: Aetna Care Management AARP medicare supplement insurance plans certification test UHC-CSNP-Mary Partial Extra Help (*amounts include a $20 income disregard) UHC Health Assessment UHC-Event-Sam